<font color='#000000'>hi every one i hope that you are all ok
first of all i want to say sorry and plz you all forgive me cuz iam writing in english here andi know that will maybe will make me be kicked out but i want to ask this and i hope that some one tell me or help me to know what i can do ? the story as it is
from 4 years i saw my cousen for the first time sinec we where small i think since we were 6 and 5 years old
i saw here after all that time and we were 16 and 15
we stayed togeth for 3 monthes &nbsp;cuz she is living in CANADA and iam here in UAE
we start talking till it come that we don&#39;t hide any thing from each other we start to be more near than we are with our parents &nbsp;so she left back to CANADA and i did to UAE .. but that wasn&#39;t the end we talked to eache other in to the NET every day &nbsp;we use to talk to each other for more than 6 hours i swear it is like that so one day i told her that i do LOVE her and ican&#39;t imagen my life with out her she answered me back with the answer i was really waiting for &nbsp;she said i feel that too &nbsp;so i was the happyiest one in the world so that we stayed as we are till now and we thought of every thing we are going to do in our future so that happened from 3 days only i was talking to her and i felt that there is some thing really not as it is with her &nbsp;she is different so when i asked her she said that :SHE IS FEELING THAT I AM DOING ALL WHAT IAM DOING WITH HER JUST TO HAVE THE NATIONALTY SHE HAVE (SHE IS CANADIAN)AND IAM (PALESTINIAN) SHE SAID</font>