Gourmet Burger Kitchen (GBK) is the place to get the best burger in London according to the Harden's London Restaurant Guide 2006 out this week.

Gourmet Burger Kitchen came out on top in the burger stakes winning the top burger accolade for another year according to Harden's fifteenth annual survey of London's restaurants. As well as serving the best burger in London, Gourmet Burger Kitchen was also the most often mentioned of all restaurants in the survey.

"It is a great acknowledgement of what we do and we what we stand for as a company" said Greg Driscoll of Gourmet Burger Kitchen. "Everyone in the company works really hard and acknowlegdements such as this from our customers and Harden's are the culmination of the efforts of everyone involved. We're really pleased" said Driscoll.

Gourmet Burger Kitchen is serving London's best burgers at eight locations around London, see the locations page of the website www.gbkinfo.com for further details.

More information on Harden's London Restaurants Guide can be found at www.hardens.com.