<font color='#000000'>Sallam to all ....i hope you are all doing great ... and please excuse me for not writing in Arabic becaude i do not have a keyboard with Arabic Letters lables , well i can some time type a paragraph in Arabic if it is so necessary but that takes me so much time. Any how our subject today is Java programming
*Many of you have heared about Java and JavaScript
*They are totally different Java is a programming language that gets compiled into bytecode and evaluated in the Microprocessor of the PC
*On the other hand , JavaScript is does not have to be compiled into machine language , but rather it &nbsp;is alanguage that is used to add some dynamic actions to the plain text or graphics in a web site.
* &nbsp; Java was developed by Sun Microsystem Company www.sun.com in 1991 and it wa called OAk at the beginning and then was officially called Java in 1995? Why? it is named so after an island in indonesia called Java
*Java is a platform independent , which means that the java programs can work on any computer so we say:"Compile once and run wherever
*So much for that now , let us get to the taste of it
*why some times we can not open some chat programs in some web sites?<img src="http://oasis.bindubai.com/emoticons/rock.gif" border="0" valign="absmiddle" alt='???'>? think wi th me....mmmmmm..well those programs are basically Java Applets and out IE == Internet Explorer does not support some Applets because Microsoft got in conflict with Sun and it has no licence for Java releases from 1.1.8 and onward
*so how would we get it running in our machines well you need to install one of the releases and i recommond 1.4 so go to www.java.sun.com and then downloads and chose 1.4 and go through the process of downloading
* aha and now we have it on our machines but that is not all you have to set the path....the instructions are there also but for XP whih i am using ...you would go t o control panel> system< advanced and the to environment variables< and then double click path and then at the end put ;C:&#92;....the path&#92;jdk..the version you have installed&#92;bin
* for the jdk.... you can just copy the name of the folder created by the installer
.........that is it for now i will give you time to install it and i will be avaliable to answer any question and a fter you are done with setting up the software we will start programming insha&#39;ALLAH

Note: Copyright ---- any one can copy and use what i wrote above and if some one can translate it in Arabic to help other members that will be great...so take your time</font>