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  1. #1
    عضو ممتاز الصورة الرمزية همس الوجود
    تاريخ التسجيل
    Sep 2003
    قوة التمثيل

    رد: Lyrics...



    Have you ever been lost in a different world
    Where everything you once knew
    Is gone
    And you find yourself powerless
    With everything that exists
    You're numb

    Will I ever break free

    I searched my world but I can't find you
    You're standing there but I can't touch you
    Try to talk but the words are just not there
    I can feel a sense of danger
    You stare at me like I'm a stranger
    Paralyzed and you don't seem to care
    The demons in my dreams

    If you become a nobody
    Blind, to your family
    Who would you be?
    And life has gone into reverse
    Re-living every hurt
    Along the way

    Everything that you fear is calling you and drawing near

    I searched my world but I can't find you
    You're standing there but I can't touch you
    Try to talk but the words are just not there
    I can feel a sense of danger
    You stare at me like I'm a stranger
    Paralyzed and you don't seem to care
    The demons in my dreams

    Wake me up and let's go, yeah
    I'm about to explode

    I searched my world but I can't find you
    You're standing there but I can't touch you
    Try to talk but the words are just not there
    I can feel a sense of danger
    You stare at me like I'm a stranger
    Paralyzed and you don't seem to care
    The demons in my dreams


    التعديل الأخير تم بواسطة همس الوجود ; 21-02-09 || الساعة 04:13 PM

    ان جرحي لايؤلم احدا في الوجود غيري
    وان بكاء الناس من حولي....لن يفيدني بشيء
    ان اجمل ابتسامه..هي التي ترتسم على شفتي في عزّ المي
    وان اثمن الدموع واصدقها..هي التي تنزل بصمت...دون ان يراها احد
    ان افرح مع الناس....وان احزن وحدي
    وان دواء جراحي الوحيد...هو رضائي بقدري

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