you will, if you remain optimistic

1. Step
Don't give up hope. Just because it's not happening for you today, doesn't mean that it's not going to happen. The last thing you want to do is lose hope. Hope is one way to keep your spirits up when your world is falling apart

2. Step
Be encouraged. Everything happens for a reason. Many times when we face adversity, it is to test our resolve. Is the goal you're aiming for what you really want. When you are tested, the testing brings clarity and shines a light on the task at hand.

3. Step
Stay strong. It is oh so easy to just give up and say forget it. The question to ask is...Is it worth it? Is the goal you're pursuing really worth it. If through it all you can say yes, then keep plugging away.

4. Step
Keep smiling. You're on your way. Sometimes you have to just keep telling yourself that, until you believe it.