السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته..

تدرون يوم تنشـون من الرقـاد .. وتعرفون انه "اليوم بيكون يوم وايد حلو" .. وتعرفون هالـشي بكل *ثقه*.. وترمسون عماركم اليوم الى قبل وتقولون في نفسكم .. باجر بيكون يوم وايد حلو .. وايد حلو ..

ويـمر اليوم .. مثل ماتوقعتوه .. *وايد حلو* .. ومول ماتتوقعون .. انه في آخر هاليوم .. شي بيستوي .. واليوم الحلو .. بيتحول لـيوم .. *مول مب حلو*..
والفرحه الى حسيت فيها .. يتحول لـ ضيج + كآبه + قهر + صياح + مليون ألف ليــش؟!؟!؟!؟!؟!؟!!؟!؟!؟!؟!؟!

من زمان .. أول بالأحرى .. من سنه ناقص شهـرين بالضبط .. ماحسـيت بهالأرف ..
ومادري ليش حسيـت اني لازم اكتب .. وهالشي وايد غريب .. لاني انا انسانه مول ما *أكتب*

ادري انه بالانقلش .. وادري انه it doesnt make sense .. وادري انه مايخصه في السالفه .. وادري وادري وادري .. بس ماعرف ليش كتبت هذا .. وماعرف كيف كتبته .. لكن كتبته ..

With tears shedding like the leaves in the fall
With a lifeless soul agoned by LOVE
I stand here asking myself.. Why?

Can it be true that I am a worthless soul?
Or am I mistaken by the signs?

I try my best to open my eyes..
To undergo this pain-enduring path..
In able to know the truth behind those eyes..

I wonder..
Why is there anger?
Why is there shame?

Can that all really be because of me!
I wonder.. What was it that I did wrong?

I tried to take control of myself..
By accepting the present..by accepting it now..
Ignoring the hollow feeling within me..

As time past.. by minutes.. by seconds..
The wind creped behind my back..
In which I lost control.. in which I GAVE UP..
In which I surrendered.. and shed my tears..

Collapsing on the earth bellow my feet..
Trying to enlighten my confused mind..
Searching through it as much as I can..
However, still there was no answer.. there was no WHY..

It seems injustice .. at times..
Somehow, when you need a helping hand..
There is no one there to help you..
To defend you ..
To make sure you are safe..

When they need help .. you offer it..
When they are weak .. you are there to stand up for them..
But it still does not explain why ..
It does not answer the question..
It does not say why..

If they only knew how much it HURTS..
If they only knew how I felt..
If they only could see the CONFUSION..
And tell me why..

If they only knew.. and spared me the pain of UNCERTAINTY..

I hope god helps me .. and helps my soul..
By giving me the strength to move on.. and accept what is going on..
As I am a weakened being .. with a LIFELESS soul..

يارب يخوز هالاحساس بسرعه .. وانسى الى استوى ..