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الموضوع: هوم ديزاين

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  1. #1
    بروفيسور متميز الصورة الرمزية شمعة أمل
    تاريخ التسجيل
    Aug 2003
    قوة التمثيل

    رد: هوم ديزاين

    im basing my room by using practices from Feng Shui

    Feng Shui is basically all about the energies that affect your moods. I spent most of my day today re-searching various Feng shui tips and realised how i can better my adjustment to my bedroom and make it a more relaxing place to sleep in.

    Im also using colour psychology, which is how the different colours affect your mood.

    So ill share a few tips with you :)

    Feng Shui Tips
    - Always have your feet facing the door, but NEVER have the bed actually aligned with the door i.e. no beds facing doors
    - NEVER have any heavy items such as lights on top of your bead, as in hangging of your ceiling on top of your bed
    - your bed should be easily accessed from both sides
    - NEVER NEVER NEVER have a mirror facing the bed
    - always have a solid wall behing your bed
    -no sharp angles should be pointing at you when you sleep!

    when it comes to color therapy, in general stay away from red & black, use more of green, blue and purple < not the strong ones, the very very very light ones
    .She can only make it, if she dreams

  2. #2
    عضوية الدكتوراه الصورة الرمزية قصايد غلا
    تاريخ التسجيل
    Sep 2006
    قوة التمثيل

    رد: هوم ديزاين

    ^ ثاااانكس شمعة ، و منكم نستفيــــــد
    لي قــــلب واحد .. و انت لـه [محبوب] .. { ما غيرك أحد ٍ هَـــزْ بـه شعرة}

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