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الموضوع: Why to learn English

  1. #31
    عيون الذيب
    زائر الصورة الرمزية عيون الذيب

    رد: Why to learn English

    Always try to be polite in your written notices; don't ever shows other people that they are wrong in this manner (is wrong)
    Shoooooq ,,,

    I'm so sorry to bother u ,, but It was a lesson which had right and wrong points. [mark=FFFF00]I can see nothing wrong with these two expressions.[/mark]

    Secondly, I'm [mark=33FFFF]not trying to prove my view[/mark], but just to show it. It may be right or it might be wrong.

    At all, I think I displayed my view in [mark=CCCC00]a very polite way[/mark], and here is the prove…

    عذرا اختي الشوق ... ولكن مداخلاتي هذه للفائدة العامة ...

    اخوكم الذيب
    and here is another 1 ::

    اعذروا دخولي عليكم ... وسامحوني ..
    [mark=FFCC00]Nevertheless, big thanks for u ,, [/mark]

  2. #32
    عضو متميز الصورة الرمزية نور الإيمان
    تاريخ التسجيل
    Dec 2005
    قوة التمثيل

    Smile رد: Why to learn English

    بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

    السلام عليكم و رحمة من الله تعالى و بركاته اما بعد ..

    "من تعلم لغة قوم .. اتقى شرهم" ...

    I have some points that I would like to discuss them ... I've been learning English for many years and still learning it!.. And Al hamdulillah .. I am An English Teacher now!...

    Hence, I would like to mention some major points to be considered in correcting others' mistakes.. just to avoid any kind of embaressment .

    As it's been mentioned.. it is good to write or even speak informally rather than sticking into some "correction rules"!! >> simply because, the bilingual person is always being threatened to have grammatical mistakes .. and this increases his/her affective filter! which means he/she will be very consiouse of mistakes rather than speak freely with no worries or borders! Even me now, I feel nervouse of adding my reply in here . Thus, the most important thing in correcting others' mistakes is to paraphrase these mistakes ... this would avoid the writers of being on the SPOT LIGHT! Plus, he/she might notice the mistake and try to correct it >>> in the future

    ... Anyway, this was my first point .. and the other points will be posted soon inshaAllah..


  3. #33
    عضو جديد الصورة الرمزية محـــــــارة
    تاريخ التسجيل
    Jan 2006
    قوة التمثيل

    رد: Why to learn English

    in the first thank's for this subject

    sacand one i want to learn more english crammer

    thank's alot

  4. #34
    عضو فعال الصورة الرمزية الرحيل
    تاريخ التسجيل
    Jan 2002
    قوة التمثيل

    رد: Why to learn English

    hi every bady

    I want learn English becouse many people use this language

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