المساعد الشخصي الرقمي

مشاهدة النسخة كاملة : Why to learn English

20-10-05 ||, 10:54 PM
Today our subject is very easy but, it is important for all of us

:fa36: Why you:fa42: want to learn English

لمــــاذا تريد ان تتـــعلم اللغــــة الانجليزية؟

رومانسي الأطباع
20-10-05 ||, 11:10 PM
We learn English because English is the most important language in the world

نحن نتعلم اللغه الانجليزيه لانها اهم لغه في العالم

21-10-05 ||, 01:19 PM
every thing in our life is in english
simple example the computer
so we must learn english


21-10-05 ||, 03:18 PM
عزيزتي نملة الواحات
لا نستطيع ان نعمم الاشياء ان كانت هناك بعض الاشياء الشاذه ( ليست معممه) اللي اقصده ان في حياتنا العمليه هناك بعض الامور يتعامل بها الناس باللغة العربيه .. سواء بالاتصال او في الاماكن العامه ...

لذا يجب ان نقول :
Most of things in our life are in English. For example the computers

اختي نملة الواحات :-
تداركي في المستقبل بعض الاخطاء التاليه:-
ان لدينا هناك جهاز كمبيوتر باللغه العربيه ، فحين اخترت هذا المثال يجب عليك ان تتعمقي في توضيح المثال الذي طرحتيه .. ( بمعنى اخر ) عليك ان تظهري ما هي الاشياء التي تستخدمينها في الكمبيوتر مثل ال mailing, chatting , searching ( كتابة الرسائل او البحث ) التي قد تساعدك في تطوير لغتك الانجليزيه .. يعني حاولي مستقبلا ان تتعمقي في المثال اللي ذكرتيه حتى تركب الجمله

وثانيا : كلمة SO كمصطلح عامي ، يستخدم في الكلام اكثر، فيفضل ان تستخدمينها ( لغويا = كلاميا ) افضل من ان تكتب .. فلو تستبدلينها بكلمة Therefor او Hence فبيكون افضل .. هي اتصير ان تستخدمينها وهم صح مب غلط ... لكن كبديل افضل لو تستخدمين الكلمتين اللتين طرحتهما لك.

عزيتي نملة الواحات:
حاولي ان تبتعدي عن كلمة Must, have لانها كلمات اجباريه ( او تهديديه ) تستخدم لاجبار الشخص .. فيجب ان تكون كلماتك اقل شده مثل need to او May

وفي نهاية محور حديثنا سنصل الى:-

English is to be used in lots of things in our lives, forexample we use the computer in diffrent ways such as, chatting , mailing and searching. Therefor we need to learn English

تقبلي مني تحياتي
اختج/ الشوق
:inlove: :inlove:

21-10-05 ||, 03:44 PM
مشكوره وما تقصرين..

احيد ايام المدارس ما كونوا يقولولنا ان must/ have كلمات تهديده..

21-10-05 ||, 04:09 PM
الغاليه نملة الواحات ...
يوم اتقولين Must, have تستخدمينها يوم تأمرين حد بفعل شي ما او عمل ما ...

وحاضرين يالغاليه
في الخدمه

خويتج/ الشوق
:inlove: :inlove:

21-10-05 ||, 04:38 PM
السلام عليكم

I used to ask myself this question millions of times
Why to learn English

In colleges the main language used is English ...
Even if ur searching for a work one of the main the question that
you will always encounter do ou know English ??

but why ?? if we are arabs and our language is the Quraan language

I really didnt find an answer except that English is the "modern language" now

and as they say
حكم القوي ع الضعيف

al Shooq thnkx for the question:)

21-10-05 ||, 05:44 PM
because inglish language is a very important matter nowadays

alsooq thanks for the question

21-10-05 ||, 09:07 PM
اختي العزيزه عفـــاريتو ..
جملتج صحيحه لكن هناك بعض الاسياسيات
في الجمله الاولى اللي(( باللون الازرق )) والجمله اللي (( باللون الاحمر )) قمتي بطرح جملتان لا يتعلقان ببعضهما البعض ..
خلينا انترجمها وانشوف شو اللي ذكرتيه

In colleges the main language used is an English ...
Even if you are searching for jobs one of the main question that
you will always encounter is do you speak English
but why
if we are Arabs and our language is the Quraan language
I really didnt find an answer except that English is the "modern language" now

في الكليات اهم لغه يستخدمونها هي اللغة الانجليزية
حتى ولو بحثنا عن عمل فأهم سؤال سنواجهه هو " هل تعرفين الانجليزيه"
لكن لماذا
اذا كنا عرب ولغتنا هي لغة القران
لكنني حقا لم اجد اجابة سوى ان اللغه الانجليزيه الان هي اللغه الحديثه.

عزيزتي عفاريتو ... حاولي في المرات التاليه ان تعطي للجمله معنى
( اي لا تقفزين من فقره الي فقرة اخرى ... )) حتى تعطين للجمله معنى متكاملا ..
وعندي لج بعض الملاحظات اتمنى انج تنتبهينها مستقبلا ....

work = يستخدم حق الشغل نفسه
وال job= بمعنى الوظيفه
فالWork هو العمل الذي تقومين به داخل الJob

وايضا نقول : speak = تتحدث
وليس know = تعرف
اي انك ممكن ان تعرفي اللغة نفسها لكن لا تستطيعين ان تتحدثي بها او تتكلمين بها

وسلامتج .. اتمنى اني وصلتلج المعلومه .. والسموحه
:inlove: :inlove:

21-10-05 ||, 09:57 PM
اختي الغاليه : الدلوووعه
صحيح العباره هي :-
because English language is a very important ( language ) nowadays

عزيزتي الدلووووعه اللغه لم ولن تكون في يوم من الايام matter .. وعندما ذكرتي matter كانك ذكرتي حدث او موضوع او عنوان .

alsooq thanks for the question
You are most welcome
:inlove: :inlove:

21-10-05 ||, 10:14 PM
thankx alot ^_^

21-10-05 ||, 11:00 PM
you are explain for us much better than miss simone

21-10-05 ||, 11:39 PM
عزيزتي نملة الواحات :-

you are explaining for us much better than miss Simone

مثـــــــــــــــــــال للفعل المضارع المستمر

He , She is + Ving

You , We, They are + Ving

I am +Ving

Verb= الفعـــــــــل

22-10-05 ||, 08:37 AM

22-10-05 ||, 09:15 PM
نملة الواحات ..
Dear... don't answer in Arabic try to speack in English please

22-10-05 ||, 11:08 PM
spelling mistake

Dear... don't answer in Arabic try to speack in English please

the correct answer is speak

ok I will try to speak in English

23-10-05 ||, 12:22 AM
نملة الواحات
Thanks alot dear .. *_*

23-10-05 ||, 10:54 PM
Thankx AlShooq for helping us to be better in English :)

I meant by those two sentences as points not as a paragraph
does points have to have the same idea:look:

Another question
Is it miss Simone or Miss Simone

Wish you all the Best
and Thnkx again

غزال ما ينصاد
24-10-05 ||, 12:07 PM

?Why to learn English
First, English language is the most popular language in the world , so If I want to communicate with other people :fa54: , I should talk in this language

thnx :fa35:

24-10-05 ||, 04:23 PM
back to >>>> عفاريتووو

If you want to to write seprated sentences use always

bullets or numbers

يعني لو اردت ان تكتبي نقاطا معينه وتضعيها كننقاط يجب ان تضعي لها علامات واضحه مثل ( * او 0 او مربع.. الخ ااو اي شكل من اشكال ال bullets & numberes كي يعرف القارىء ان الجمله التي وضعتيها عبارة عن نقاط وليست فكرة رئيسية .
.Do points have to have the same idea
Does = يستخدم للمفرد
Do= يستخدم للجمع

Another question
Is it miss Simone or Miss Simone

It is miss Simone

because, ( miss Simon) came in the middleof the sentence. not in the beginning
الاسم جاء في وسط الكلام وليس في بدايته

For more information

Miss ( الآنسه )
Mrs ( السيده )
Ms( المرأه الغير متاكدين من اذا كانت متزوجه او لا )او( ان لم نكن نعرف هوية الشخص ان كان رجل ام امرأه ) .
Mr ( الرجل )

Notes for all : Thanks:fa42: Should be written by this way not by

this wayThanx

25-10-05 ||, 06:44 PM
غـــزال ما ينصــــاد
First, English language is the most popular language in the world , so If I want to communicate with other people ,I should talk ( ) this

جمله جميلة ورائعه ... منك يا غزال ما ينصاد
وتسلم الايادي
الناس يتحدثون اللغه .... وليس يتحدثون في اللغة

:fa38: :fa38:

زهرة الوادي
25-10-05 ||, 10:49 PM
Hi, missing

everybody now adays where asking why we should learn ENG while Forgien people are not???

well the ENG language is used everywhere you go

it's clear,

we have to speak ENG fluently

maybe we could then invite Unbelievers in our pure ISlam

:fa42: May Allah Bless you sweetie for this useful post

Valley flower

06-11-05 ||, 12:21 AM
Dearest Al Shoq
i really loved the way of yours in leading us to the right way
in how we can correct our written mistakes in English
Welldone dear its really hard job needs lots of patience

since along time i was looking forward to have at least small corner in this
fourm to write and exchange our ideas in English

i felt happy beacuse finally my dreams come true
why English
we all belive that it is a prominent language all over the world
every thing in English
where ever we move or travel we have to know
English even if it was simple
it is language of computers
and Economy too
i believe we all have to learn english
it will really help us and will save us from many dangers

am really thankful and admire ur way of dealing with us
good luck dearest


29-11-05 ||, 09:22 PM
Back to >>>Valley flower

زهرة الوادي

everybody now adays where asking why we should learn ENG while
Forgien people are not

now adays
الاسم بعد ال a يجب ان يكون مفرد وليس جمع

فيفضل لو نقول:-
Everybody these days were asking why we should learn ENG while
؟Forgien people are not

Everybody these days were asking
where = بمعنى أين او كلمه تربط بين جملتين بمعنى حيثما او حيث
لكن ال were = ماضي are

well the ENG language is used everywhere
well = ان تبدأيها لغويا( كمحادثه ) افضل من ان تكتب كعباره في الجمله
لانها تكون بمعني ( اممم ، والا ، ووووو ، او بمعنى حسنا ) يعني تاتي بعد تفكير
The ENG language is being used everywhere
is being used = because, people are still taking this language
(( بمعنى ان ما زال حتى الان هناك من يتحدث اللغه الانجليزيه ))

May Allah Bless you sweetie for this useful post

Thanks dear

عيون الذيب
14-12-05 ||, 12:10 AM
Catch you Shooq …

(Therefore ) … not therefor … you missed the (e) twice ..

Moreover, I think that we can use the informal English words instead of the technical terms in this forum … because we use the informal style here .. .

Furthermore, the two model verbs ( have and must) are not
( تهديدية ) .. ,but we use them for ( strong obligations) and that does not mean ( تهديدية ) , just to show that the obligation is strong …

اعذروا دخولي عليكم ... وسامحوني ..

واذا تريدوا بحث عن مستقبل الانجليزية في العالم تراني كاتبنه من ايام وجاهز للتنزيل لخاطر عيونكم

اخوكم الذيب

عيون الذيب
14-12-05 ||, 12:40 AM
Back to >>>Valley flower

زهرة الوادي

everybody now adays where asking why we should learn ENG while
Forgien people are not

now adays
الاسم بعد ال a يجب ان يكون مفرد وليس جمع

فيفضل لو نقول:-
Everybody these days were asking why we should learn ENG while
؟Forgien people are not

Everybody these days were asking
where = بمعنى أين او كلمه تربط بين جملتين بمعنى حيثما او حيث
لكن ال were = ماضي are

well the ENG language is used everywhere
well = ان تبدأيها لغويا( كمحادثه ) افضل من ان تكتب كعباره في الجمله
لانها تكون بمعني ( اممم ، والا ، ووووو ، او بمعنى حسنا ) يعني تاتي بعد تفكير
The ENG language is being used everywhere
is being used = because, people are still taking this language
(( بمعنى ان ما زال حتى الان هناك من يتحدث اللغه الانجليزيه ))

May Allah Bless you sweetie for this useful post


Thanks dear

You claimed that we can not use (nowadays) because it is in plural form. I believe we can use it as one word in plural or singular .. (nowadays) gives a similar meaning like (these days) .. check the dictionary!!

وهذه ملاحظة ثانية ...
I believe that the passive form (is used) is right and the passive continuous form that you used ( is being used) is wrong… why?? Because the passive form (is used) comes form the simple present from and one of the fundamental use of this form is what we call it the ( habit).

يعني المفروض نستخدم is used لأن تكلم اللغة شيء دائم وليس مؤقت .. ونستخدم المبني للمجهول المستمر is being used للتعبير عن حدث مؤقت مستمر ... وليس عن عادة معروفة من زمن ...

عذرا اختي الشوق ... ولكن مداخلاتي هذه للفائدة العامة ...

اخوكم الذيب

01-01-06 ||, 10:18 PM
عيون الذيب

Thank you for correcting my spelling mistake and next time I shall use the spelling and grammar check tool.

شاكره لك على تصحيحك لي لهذا الخطأ في هذه الجمله :fa34: Therefore

Secondly, I must say that you are right that the model verbs -(have to or must) are been considered to obliged strongly and must/ have to is used to express obligation in writing, including official forms, signs and notices. However, they are also tools that are been used to threaten some body which is not the case here in this sentence (so we must learn English)

have to or must اوافقك الرأي على ان الأفعال أفعال قويه تستخدم للاجبار، وهذه الافعال تعبر عن القوة في الملاحظات او التقارير ،وبما ان جملة الاخت نملة الواحات لم تكن اجباريه (لان الشخص غير مجبر او ملزم لتعلم اللغة الانجليزيه )فاستبدلناها بافعال اخرى مثل Need to/ May وحين ذكرت كلمة اجباريه او انها تهديديه قصدت بها القوة ولان هناك امثله قد تكون تهديديه نستطيع ان نستخدم فيها مثل تلك الافعال have to or must

For instance, I can say in informal English (I must kill you because some body has ordered me to do so). In this sentence I'm not only threatening you but also I'm going to do the act.

مثال على ذلك استطيع ان اقول: يجب ان اقتلك لان هناك شخصا ما امرني بذلك

في هذه الحاله انا لا اهددك فقط ولكني سأقوم بالفعل نفسه ( الا وهو القتل

Hope this have been informative. :fa42:

03-01-06 ||, 08:34 AM
Simply,, English is the main language in this world at this time! Therefore we need to learn it so we can be a normal person :fa46: lool.. i mean these days the person who doesn't know english he's unwonted.

i feel sorry for the people who dont know english or even not trying to know it!:fa55:
How it could be?!:Oo: i love english i really do :inlove: thats why i feel it intersting. And i enjoy learning & talking in english language.

ختكم: ذنينيه :look: و اسمحولي جاني طولة عليكم
(و جان شي أغلاط "أكيد شي" صلحولي اياهم:fa46: )
و شكرا ^_^

31-01-06 ||, 06:51 PM
عيون الذيب :)

Your comment is highly appreciated regarding now a days

Further, using is used to in the sentence is right if you used to do some thing and you stopped it. I mean you used to run but now you are not. The habit that you used to do is now stopped completely. When you are giving (is used) the continuous adjective being you are actually continuing the action/habit regardless the passive or the active. It's just the opposite of your understanding.

[LEFT]Things to remember:
Always try to be polite in your written notices; don't ever shows other people that they are wrong in this manner (is wrong)

You are always welcomed to express your comments/ thoughts and also remember that we are all here to share learning.

31-01-06 ||, 07:03 PM
Please share your writing in
مستقبل الإنجليزية
with us as we like to learn more English

Hope this have been informative.

عيون الذيب
18-02-06 ||, 01:15 AM
Always try to be polite in your written notices; don't ever shows other people that they are wrong in this manner (is wrong)

Shoooooq ,,,

I'm so sorry to bother u ,, but It was a lesson which had right and wrong points. I can see nothing wrong with these two expressions.

Secondly, I'm not trying to prove my view, but just to show it. It may be right or it might be wrong.

At all, I think I displayed my view in a very polite way, and here is the prove…

عذرا اختي الشوق ... ولكن مداخلاتي هذه للفائدة العامة ...

اخوكم الذيب

and here is another 1 ::

اعذروا دخولي عليكم ... وسامحوني ..

Nevertheless, big thanks for u ,,

نور الإيمان
28-02-06 ||, 03:13 PM
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

السلام عليكم و رحمة من الله تعالى و بركاته اما بعد ..

"من تعلم لغة قوم .. اتقى شرهم" :fa35: ...

I have some points that I would like to discuss them ... I've been learning English for many years and still learning it!.. And Al hamdulillah .. I am An English Teacher now!...

Hence, I would like to mention some major points to be considered in correcting others' mistakes.. just to avoid any kind of embaressment .

As it's been mentioned.. it is good to write or even speak informally rather than sticking into some "correction rules"!! >> simply because, the bilingual person is always being threatened to have grammatical mistakes .. and this increases his/her affective filter! which means he/she will be very consiouse of mistakes rather than speak freely with no worries or borders! :fa32: Even me now, I feel nervouse of adding my reply in here:fa46: . Thus, the most important thing in correcting others' mistakes is to paraphrase these mistakes ... this would avoid the writers of being on the SPOT LIGHT! Plus, he/she might notice the mistake and try to correct it >>> in the future :fa35:

... Anyway, this was my first point .. and the other points will be posted soon inshaAllah..


22-03-06 ||, 10:56 PM
in the first thank's for this subject

sacand one i want to learn more english crammer

thank's alot

21-05-06 ||, 04:39 AM
hi every bady

I want learn English becouse many people use this language