المساعد الشخصي الرقمي

مشاهدة النسخة كاملة : الفزعه يا جماعة الخير

بن دبي
23-03-05 ||, 08:36 PM
<font color='#000080'><FONT color=#000080><FONT color=#000080>

<BLOCKQUOTE dir=ltr style="MARGIN-RIGHT: 0px">

<P dir=ltr align=center><FONT color=#990033><FONT style="BACKGROUND-COLOR: #ffffff"><FONT size=4>السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته

لو سمحت يا جماعة الخييير عندي تقرير لازم اقدمه بعد اسبوع و الموضوع<IMG src="http://oasis.bindubai.com/emoticons/fa36.gif" border=0> عن

Knowledge Management

Introduction (1-2 paragraphs)

Theoretical background

1.Definitions of Knowledge Management.

2.Benefits of using Knowledge Management.

3.Barriers to the usage of Knowledge Management

فبغييت اي معلومات عن هالموضوع بأسرع وقت ممكن

و ياليييييت مع ذكر مصدر المعلومة<IMG src="http://oasis.bindubai.com/emoticons/smile.gif" border=0>

و السموووحه منكم ^-^

&#60;&#33;-- / message --&#62;

23-03-05 ||, 08:50 PM
<font color='#000000'><P align=center>
عليــــــكم الســــــــلام والرحمــــــة

<FONT color=#cc66cc size=4>:: الجوهـــــــرة84 ::
إن شــاء اللـــــــه الأعضــــــاء مــابيقصـــــرون ويـــــاج..

وأنـــــا بحــــــاول أضيـــــــف بعــــــض المعلــــومات اللــــــي


ربــــــي يوفقـــــج ..

<IMG src="http://oasis.bindubai.com/emoticons/fa35.gif" border=0><IMG src="http://oasis.bindubai.com/emoticons/fa35.gif" border=0>

<FONT color=#ff0000 size=4>...&nbsp; نويّــــر&nbsp; ...</FONT>


24-03-05 ||, 12:42 AM
<font color='#000000'><FONT color=#000000>

<P align=center>
هلا بالجوهرة..

&nbsp;حصلت هالـ article عن knowlage management

وهذا هو اللنك&nbsp; <A target=_blank href="http://www.media-access.com/whatis.html" target=_blank>http://www.media-access.com/whatis.html</A>&nbsp;

ان شاء الله اكون فدتج الغاليه ..<IMG src="http://oasis.bindubai.com/emoticons/fa46.gif" border=0>


25-03-05 ||, 01:02 AM
<font color='#810541'><P align=center>. . .وعليكم السلام ورحمة الله وبركاته. . .

. . .الجوهرة84. . .

تقدرين تدورين في محركات البحث مثل google أو Ask Jeeves . . .
وإن شاء الله بتحصلين كل المعلومات اللي تبغينها. . .

وهذا لينك للـ Knowledge Management—Emerging Perspectives
<A target=_blank href="http://www.systems-thinking.org/kmgmt/kmgmt.htm">http://www.systems-thinking.org/kmgmt/kmgmt.htm</A>

وأتمنى أنه يكون مفيد لج. . .

تقبـّلي مني أرق التحايا. . .
<img src="http://oasis.bindubai.com/emoticons/fa35.gif" border="0" valign="absmiddle" alt=':ff5:'>

دمعة العين</P></font>

ميثه الاموره
25-03-05 ||, 06:56 AM
<font color='#F660AB'>

هاذبله حق اي ماده حبوبه


<B><FONT face=Arial,Helvetica><FONT color=#3366ff><FONT size=+2>Knowledge Management Terms</FONT></FONT></FONT></B>
<BLOCKQUOTE><FONT face=Arial,Helvetica>Organizations are complex organisms. For an organization in this information age to grow and prosper, it must become a learning organization that understands both its roots and can branch out to new endeavors. One of the difficulties in mastering "Knowledge Management" is just understanding the terminology of the field. Many of the terms in this list are borrowed from psychology and education and may be applied to organizations. Throughout this document I use the term "organization" rather than business. All organizations, profit making, non-profit, and voluntary, share some of the same needs for sound knowledge management practices. Even non-profit organizations must use business practices to ensure prosperity.

Knowledge management is a conscious, hopefully consistent, strategy implemented to gather, store and retrieve knowledge and then help distribute the information and knowledge to those who need it in a timely manner.&nbsp; The strategy includes rules, procedures, and cultural aspects that help put the knowledge management strategy into action. Knowledge management is a framework and management mind-set that includes building on experience and creating new avenues for exchanging knowledge. The strategy includes technological infrastructure and human aspects.

<FONT face=Arial,Helvetica><FONT size=-1>This is a work in progress. New terms will be added and revisions made as needed. Please send any ideas or comments to improve this list. Please visit our home page to learn more about our company and services.
<HR width="90%" SIZE=4>

<B>Barriers</B> are objects, ideas, practices, structures, systems, etc. that prevent or discourage action. Sometimes physical barriers are necessary for physical safety.&nbsp; Security barriers are important for an organization to protect assets.&nbsp; Barriers are not good when they discourage, sharing and other forms of positive business activity.

وهذا اللينك <A target=_blank href="http://home.earthlink.net/~ddstuhlman/defin1.htm">http://home.earthlink.net/~ddstuhlman/defin1.htm</A>&nbsp;


ميثه الاموره
25-03-05 ||, 07:00 AM
<font color='#F660AB'><A class=title3p2 name=whatis>
<P align=center>
What is Knowledge Management?</A>

Knowledge management is the <B><I>explicit</I></B> and <B><I>systematic</I></B> management of <B><I>vital knowledge</I></B> and its associated <B><I>processes</I></B> of creating, gathering, organizing, diffusion, use and exploitation. It requires turning personal knowledge into corporate knowledge than can be widely shared throughout an organization and appropriately applied.</P>

Our research shows that companies adopt two broad thrusts in applying knowledge management:</P>
<LI>Sharing existing knowledge better - making implicit knowledge more explicit and putting in place mechanisms to move it more rapidly to where it is needed;
<LI>Innovation - making the transition from ideas to commercialization more effective. </LI></OL>

Knowledge management programmes typically have one or more of the following activities:</P>
<LI>Appointment of a knowledge leader - to promote the agenda, develop a framework
<LI>Creation of knowledge teams - people from all disciplines to develop the methods and skills
<LI>Development of knowledge bases - best practices, expertise directories, market intelligence etc.
<LI>Enterprise intranet portal - a &#39;one-stop-shop&#39; that gives access to explicit knowledge as well as connections to experts
<LI>Knowledge centers - focal points for knowledge skills and facilitating knowledge flow
<LI>Knowledge sharing mechanisms - such as facilitated events that encourage greater sharing of knowledge than would normally take place
<LI>Intellectual asset management - methods to identify and account for intellectual capital. </LI></UL>
<A class=title3p2 name=eg>Examples of Success</A>

Our cases database has over 100 examples of organizations that have achieved significant benefits through knowledge management. Here are just a few examples:</P>
<LI>BP - by introducing virtual teamworking using videconferencing have speeded up the solution of critical operation problems

<LI>Hoffman La Roche - through its Right First Time programme has reduced the cost and time to achieve regulatory approvals for new drugs.

<LI>Dow Chemical - by focusing on the active management of its patent portfolio have generated over &#036;125 million in revenues from licensing and other ways of exploiting their intangible assets.

<LI>Texas Instruments - by sharing best practice between its semiconductor fabrication plants saved the equivalent of investing in a new plant.

<LI>Skandia Assurance - by developing new measures of intellectual capital and goaling their managers on increasing its value have grown revenues much faster than their industry average.

<LI>Hewlett-Packard - by sharing expertise already in the company, but not known to their development teams, now bring new products to market much faster than before. </LI></UL>


<A class=title3p2 name=CSF>Guidelines for Success</A>

Our research has identified a number of recurring success factors:</P>
<LI>A knowledge leader or champion - someone who actively drives the knowledge agenda forward, creates enthusiasm and commitment

<LI>Top management support - a CEO who recognizes the value of knowledge and who actively supports the knowledge team in its work

<LI>A clear value proposition - identification of the link between knowledge and the bottom line business benefit; new measures of performance and appropriate rewards.

<LI>A compelling vision and architecture - frameworks that drive the agenda forward

<LI>Creation of a culture that supports innovation, learning and knowledge sharing. This is usually supported by appropriate reward mechanisms.

<LI>A technical infrastructure that supports knowledge work - from simple knowledge support tools to Intranets and ultimately more sophisticated groupware and decision support. Simulation, data mining and good document management also have a role.

<LI>Systematic knowledge processes, supported by specialists in information management (librarians) but with close partnership between users and providers of information. </LI></UL>

Usually, the knowledge agenda develops through a process of evaluation from pilot projects that are used to build capabilities and derive learning for subsequent applications.</P>


<A class=title3p2 name=issues>Issues and Challenges</A>

The biggest challenge reported by those practitioners we have met, is that of changing the culture from "knowledge is power" to "knowledge sharing is power". Other common obstacles are:</P>
<LI>Finding time - with so many initiatives vying for attention, it is easy to sideline more challenging issues like knowledge management. However, those organisations that have committed resources and have knowledge champions have achieved outcomes that far surpass the level of inputs

<LI>Introversion - afraid to learn from outsiders or expose internal operations to customers

<LI>Too focused on detailed process - rather than the big picture and the more chaotic process of knowledge creation

<LI>Treating it as one-off project or quick-win - knowledge management is a commitment to the long-term: the organization’s future prosperity.

<LI>Individual disciplines and &#39;turf wars&#39; - knowledge management goes beyond the remit of any single function or discipline. All functions must collaborate.

<LI>Organizational recognition and reward systems usually do not sufficiently recognize knowledge contributions. They are linked to traditional financial measures. </LI></UL>

None of these challenges are insurmountable. Implementing successful knowledge management requires a systematic change and project management approach. However, it is more than just a project. Over time knowledge management changes the way that people work so that thier indiviudal knowledge is more effectively harnessed for the benefit of all.

<A target=_blank href="http://www.skyrme.com/insights/22km.htm">http://www.skyrme.com/insights/22km.htm</A></P></font>

بن دبي
26-03-05 ||, 05:01 AM
<font color='#000080'>السلام عليكم و رحمة الله و بركاته

( نوير، قلب دبي، دمعة العين، ميثه الاموره )

مشكوووووووووووورين و الله ما قصرت

و السموحه منكم تعبتكم ويايه
<IMG src="http://oasis.bindubai.com/emoticons/smile.gif" border=0></font>